
Assiom Forex: Massimiliano Sinagra new president

The co-head of the treasury of the Unicredit group obtains the presidency of Assiom Forex. Also appointed the new presidency committee which will be composed of Massimo Mocio, Marco Messori, Marco Antonio Bertotti, Federico Vitto, Marino Margiotta and Sinagra himself.

Assiom Forex: Massimiliano Sinagra new president

Massimiliano Sinagra will replace Giuseppe Attanà as president of Assiom Forex. The latter will become honorary president. This was decided today by the Council of the Association of Financial Market Operators.

Sinagra has been co-head of the treasury of the Unicredit group since 2014 where it manages the liquidity of the main financial instruments.

The board of Assiom Forex, according to what we read in the press release issued this morning, has also appointed the presidential committee which includes, in addition to Sinagra, Massimo Mocio (vicarious vice president), Marco Messori (vice president), Marco Antonio Bertotti (general secretary) , Federico Vitto (treasurer) and Marino Margiotta (president of the board of auditors).
