
The Corporate Social Responsibility Award of the Chambre Francaise en Italie has been awarded to Generali

Generali awarded the Corporate Social Responsibility Award of the Chambre Française de Commerce et d'Industrie en Italie, for its commitment to responsible investments and for its sustainable approach to the design of products and services – “Our social responsibility is based on specific commitments ”, said the president Gabriele Galateri.

The Corporate Social Responsibility Award of the Chambre Francaise en Italie has been awarded to Generali
Generali received the Corporate Social Responsibility Award from the Chambre Française de Commerce et d'Industrie en Italie (CFCII) for its commitment to responsible investments and its sustainable approach to product and service design.

The recognition was presented to the Chairman of Assicurazioni Generali, Gabriele Galateri, by Genséric Cantournet, coordinator of the Franco-Italian CSR Laboratory of the CFCII, during the 9th edition of the Gala Dinner which took place on Tuesday XNUMX June in Milan.

“Our social responsibility is based on precise commitments that must be maintained in line with our mission: to actively protect and improve people's lives - stated the Chairman of Assicurazioni Generali, Gabriele Galateri - we are in fact convinced that in this difficult historical phase and complex aspect of the global economy, the activity of a company is ever more intimately linked to its role in society and the communities that make it up. It is an irreversible and necessary passage of modern capitalism, which has always demonstrated a surprising ability to continually renew its dynamics and to redraw its borders”.

Generali is a global institutional investor and asset management is a cornerstone of the insurance business. It is a function with a significant impact on the real economy, which makes it possible to actively influence areas such as environmental protection, respect for human and social rights. For this reason, for years Generali has also based its investment strategies on environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) criteria in line with the principles of protection of the asset considered most sensitive, reputation. Proof of this is the approval in 2015 of the "Responsible Investment Guideline" document which outlines the responsible operating areas in line with the Principles for Responsible Investment already signed in 2011.

To respond to the new needs expressed by customers and the market and to promote the adoption of virtuous behavior in consumers, Generali distributes products with particular social and environmental value. To encourage the adoption of eco-compatible behaviour, it designs and distributes products and services with an environmental value such as, for example, policies for the coverage of catastrophic damage, civil liability policies for pollution, RCA policies which provide discounts for customers who insure green vehicles or which involve low mileage.

Thanks to the results obtained in the field of sustainability, Generali is included in the most important global ethical indexes: FTSE4Good, FTSE ECPI Italia SRI Leader, Euronext Vigeo World 120, ESI (Ethibel Sustainability Index) Excellence Global, MSCI Global Sustainability.
