
Asbestos, EU: new measures to limit damage to people and the environment. Linked to 78% of occupational cancers

The European Union wants to tighten more on deaths and exposure to the substance in the workplace. A package of ERDF measures and resources.

Asbestos, EU: new measures to limit damage to people and the environment. Linked to 78% of occupational cancers

La fight against asbestos back topical. The carcinogen banned across Europe since 2005 continues to cause deaths and disease. Millions of buildings used as private homes or offices are in full swing spreading very serious diseases. Everywhere there are committees, containment plans and observers. There have also been those who used street art as a reminder that danger is among us. Alone in Italy theIstituto Superiore di Sanita counted 4400 deaths between 2010 and 2016. The EU Commission, however, has decided to take a new step forward. He presented a package of interventions that governments are called upon to evaluate in a short time. The title "Building a future without asbestos" aims to have a global approach to protect human health and the environment.

Asbestos and occupational cancer: it kills even after 30 years

One of the major criticisms since 2005 concerns the controls and diagnoses of exposed people. Well, the Commission has decided to start - or rather to relaunch - the investigation and treatment of diseases up to the identification and removal of theasbestos from the places where it is present and its concrete treatment. Another indication is the amendment of the directive on exposure at work. The intention is to reduce the occupational exposure limit which has alarming data throughout the continent: the 78% of occupational cancers it is related to asbestos exposure. The damage to the environment is even incalculable. In the last 50 years, thousands of workers in many industrial sectors have inhaled the substance, sometimes unknowingly, only to realize it years later. Mesothelioma or lung cancer derived from hazardous work have a period of incubation of up to 30 years. For which the damages are presented to the authorities and companies with considerable delays.

Priority to the elimination of asbestos in construction

La Commission decision is included in the forms of work prevention included in the European Green Deal, together with the action plan “zero pollution“. With the new package, states will have to better regulate the renovations of buildings that contain materials that release fibers sucked in by workers. To keep the phenomenon under control, Europe recommends consulting the tripartite committee for safety and health in the individual workplace more assiduously. Employers and workers themselves will be able to take charge of awareness campaigns. But it is Interesting to learn that they are working on a reduction 10 times lower than the current one asbestos exposure limit. Member States are required to prepare digital registers of compromised buildings while working on the protocol for the management of construction and demolition waste. Italy has one National Asbestos Desk which collaborates with local authorities and companies with a view to stronger control over the territories. In conclusion, Brussels is thinking of a long-term strategy to reduce the 40% of cancers spread among workers related to harmful materials. To do all of this, resources are needed. L'Ue he has already announced that in parallel with the adoption of the new measures, governments will be able to receive resources from the European Social Fund Plus and the European Regional Development Fund. The simple advice is to get busy.
