
Artonauti, the sticker album on the history of art

The first release of the collection of stickers inspired by art is scheduled for March 15th. In each package there are 5 stickers and a Twin Card. The cost of the album is 3 euros

Artonauti, the sticker album on the history of art

Learning by playing. This is the motto of the new editorial project entitled Artonauts. The figurines of art and which represents the first number of a series of albums that narrate the adventures of three protagonists Ale, Morgana and Argo (00 Setter) in the discovery of art treasures.

Once it was the collection of Panini figures of football players, now it is the collection of more beautiful images than the history of art he gave us.

Children complete the pages dedicated to the various historical periods and get closer to the characters and artists who have marked an entire era. Following the adventures of Argo, Ale and Morgana, the children travel through history discovering curiosities about life at the time of the Ancient Egyptians or in Ancient Rome and become passionate about the adventures of the artists, considering them real heroes. They know ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, the Middle Ages, chasing the golden age of the Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassicism, they learn to let themselves be surprised by Impressionism, Expressionism and the avant-gardes of the twentieth century. From Giotto a Michelangelo, from Leonardo a Caravaggio, , from Botticelli a Van Gogh.

The result? That of compose a small art book week after week collecting entire frescoes or paintings.

On the back of each figurine, children find the name of the work, the author and the museum where it is kept. In each package there are 5 stickers and a Twin Card and each of them features a work of art and by collecting all the 25 copies of twin cards children will be able to play memory, the most famous memory game in the world. Each pair of twin cards depicts a piece of artwork contained in the album.

The first issue of Artonauti is scheduled for next March 15, it will cost 3 euros and together with the album there will also be 3 packs of free stickers.  

The album consists of 64 pages which contain an introductory story, 28 illustrations, 65 works of art, 20 games between quizzes and riddles and 2 pages of games. To complete the album they will need to be found 216 unique figurines.

Artonauti is a cultural project by WizArt Srl Impresa Sociale, a non-profit enterprise, selected and financed by the Cariplo Foundation for the fourth edition of the iC – Cultural Innovation project.

“I believe that the strength of Artonauti”, explains Daniela Re, “lies precisely in the personal story of a teacher who learned her trade in the field. I got to know fellow teachers, pupils and parents up close and I involved all the actors who experience the world of school on a daily basis in the design of this educational tool. Artonauti wants to break up the prejudice that art is too difficult a subject for children, proposing an educational, intelligent and fun game: it is an ambitious project that aims high. But Artonauti's ambition has solid roots because it is a project born in the field, from the bottom up, starting from the experience of those who have known and know the world of school firsthand. We have to take care of the children and give them the opportunity to form a more flexible, freer, less blocked mentality, capable of making decisions".
