
Article 1 returns to the Democratic Party: he left fearing Renzi's authoritarian turn and today Meloni finds himself in the Government….

Article 1 is officially part of Elly Schlein's Pd, moving it even further to the left. But the nostalgia for the Conte 2 government, which - as is well known - was followed by Draghi's arrival at Palazzo Chigi, does not give us hope for major changes of mind in the short term and does not cancel the unrequited pursuit of the Five Stars, with great joy of Meloni

Article 1 returns to the Democratic Party: he left fearing Renzi's authoritarian turn and today Meloni finds himself in the Government….

When you say lack of foresight…. How else to define that of Article 1 by Pierluigi Bersani, Maximum D'Alema and Roberto Hope which is now definitely part of the Elly Schlein's Pd, moving him even further to the left, but who in 2017 left slamming the door in front of Matteo Renzi's leadership with reasons that make us smile today? As the excellent Emilia Patta recalled yesterday in Il Sole 24 Ore, the bosses of the company contested Renzi's alleged turn to the right for the Jobs act and due to the conjunction between the constitutional reform and the new electoral law, theitalicum, which they said aimed at introducing an authoritarian system. Not by chance when Renzi lost the constitutional referendum, the company, which was still part of the Democratic Party, toasted. If Renzi incredibly aroused fears of an authoritarian turnaround, what about today's reality of an openly right-centre government like that of the Melons?

Returning to the Democratic Party, also due to the irrelevance of the electoral consensus gathered by Article 1, may be an act of beneficial self-criticism and perhaps a future rethinking of certain political positions taken over the years, but regret for the Government Count 2, demonstrated on Saturday by Roberto Speranza and accompanied by the immediate slaps of the leader of the 5 Stars, drops his arms. After Count 2, as is well known, came the Government Draghi. And if you please. Article 1 down from the tower.
