
Art, the Government wants to enhance the underwater heritage. There is an inter-ministerial understanding. And then?

The Ministry of Culture and that for Civil Protection and the Sea sign an agreement to enhance everything found under the Mediterranean

Art, the Government wants to enhance the underwater heritage. There is an inter-ministerial understanding. And then?

At the bottom of the Mediterranean there are archeology and thousand-year-old treasures. Their findings in environments and seabeds threatened by climate change help to reconstruct the history of Italy, from the journey of Aeneas, to the foundation of Rome, to Magna Graecia. On the research, conservation and cataloging of submerged works dozens of voluntary associations work. They often self-finance to discover and then deliver everything to museums and superintendences for public display. A few days ago the Ministry of Culture and the one for Civil Protection and the policies of the sea have signed a memorandum of understanding "for collaboration in the field of conservation, enjoyment and enhancement of underwater cultural heritage". The document was signed by the two Ministers Gennaro Sangiuliano e In the Musumeci in Agrigento, capital city of culture for 2025.

Everyone's heritage. What sense does it make to talk about “Nation”?

Musumeci was President of the Sicilian Region and we understand the commitment to enhance his land and an extraordinary city like Agrigento. For his part, the Minister of Culture Sangiuliano is trying to relaunch a central Ministry for il tourism, turnover, economic recovery, after two years of closure of sites and museums. On the occasion of the signing of the Agrigento agreement, however, the Minister recalled that these commitments benefit the Nation. A concept - Nation - which is becoming the distinctive feature of the centre-right government's hyper-communication. Why tiredly repeat Nation, when Italy is a state of law, a freely elected democratic republic? In Italy people of different ethnic groups live together, there are men, women and children still without recognized rights. They boast predecessors on our territory and have respected the modern Republic for years now. Even more specifically, when we talk about culture, of art, of defense and protection of the marine or terrestrial environment, it would be good and right to avoid certain nostalgic meanings. Italy has the privilege of being at the center of the Mediterranean. Along its coasts, over the centuries, millions of individuals have landed and died aboard ships (now wrecks) that constitute the cultural and environmental wealth that Minister Sangiuliano wants to enhance. The nation is the state, an inclusive country, a democracy also in the arts, in entertainment, in ideas. The Minister knows it well. So why insist on the term Nation? And then, say it to Agrigento founded by the Greeks? Maybe culture gains from it? Nation as identity of a pure people? The art, the clean environment, the landscape, the widespread traditions would suffer. The Minister is a wise and expert person, which is why he trusts in common sense. In any case, what awaits us after the signing of the protocol? For the next three years, a census of the underwater heritage will be carried out to improve the conditions of conservation and use. A. will be installed at the Ministry of Culture joint technical table, “without new or greater burdens for public finances”. It will be composed of two members from both Ministries. Collaboration will start with the Regions and local bodies, but the Associations of underwater archaeologists are not directly mentioned.

What role for voluntary associations?

In the memorandum of understanding it is written that there will be sharing of technical skills. Only in this case can we see a role for volunteers. Yet they have given great proof of commitment and recovery in Sicily, Campania, Calabria, Veneto, Liguria. «Our history takes place in the center of the Mediterranean, from Magna Graecia to the Roman world, up to the latest geopolitical events which confirm the cultural value of this position» said Sangiuliano. A great heritage which due to historical events ended up underwater. “With the signing of today's protocol, the government takes a further significant step towards the protection and valorisation of the underwater cultural heritage: both the recoverable one, to be exhibited in museum spaces, and those finds destined to remain submerged and entrusted to the jealous guardian of the sea” added Musumeci. The lack of an efficient and timely advocacy organization on the part of the State should curb the clandestine search for finds by illegal fishermen who trade them. Volunteering is a precious ally that must be defended and stimulated. Another good news is the announcement of the rebirth of the “Archaeology” magazine. The specialized magazine believes that underwater archeology is one of the most popular disciplines in recent years established in the general public. Let's hope that the State will be able to do its part to the end…in the Mediterranean.
