
ArcelorMittal Italia: via Jehl, Lucia Morselli new CEO

Matthieu Jehl will take on new positions in the group – Morselli, for four years at the helm of Acciai Speciali Terni, will also hold the position of president and will take office immediately

ArcelorMittal Italia: via Jehl, Lucia Morselli new CEO

Change at the top of ArcelorMittal Italia. Chief Executive Officer and Chairman Matthieu Jehl has left his post and "will take on new responsibilities within the group," the company said. In his place will come Lucia Morselli, Italian manager who led Acciai Speciali Terni from 2014 to 2016 from 2014 to 2016.

“I would like to start by thanking Matthieu Jehl for the important role he played in helping ArcelorMittal establish its presence in Italy. Good progress has been made, particularly in implementing environmental investments and improving production processes, despite the difficult external situation. We are very pleased to welcome Lucia as the new President and CEO of ArcelorMittal Italia. Lucia is unanimously recognized as a highly experienced business leader who has made a significant contribution to Italian industry. His experience and skills will be invaluable for ArcelorMittal Italia in its effort to make the Company more sustainable and to strengthen consensus on the future of the Taranto plant” said the number one of ArcelorMittal Europe, Geert van Poelvoorde.

"There is perhaps no greater and more complex industrial challenge in Italy today than that of the former Ilva plants. I am very motivated by the opportunity to lead ArcelorMittal Italia, and I will do my best to secure the future of the company and to ensure that its contribution is appreciated by all stakeholders,” said Morselli.

The manager will have very little time to adapt to the new role and will immediately have to face challenges as important as they are imminent which will concern the future of the former Ilva of Taranto. An informal hearing of ArcelorMittal representatives in the Chamber's Productive Activities Committee is scheduled for Wednesday 16 October. Agenda: the prospects of the Taranto plant.

"The news of the change in the top management of ArcelorMittal Italia came suddenly - comments the general secretary of Fim Cisl, Marco Bentivogli – There was no shortage of moments of contrast in Matthews Jehl's management but always with mutual respect and great fairness. We have always had from him the representation of a company that aimed at relaunching and its eco-sustainability”.

Bentivogli is cautious about the new governance: “We must never flaunt prejudices but by Lucia Morselli, in addition to the positive epilogue of the ThyssenKrupp Ast affair in Terni, let's not forget to get there we put in place 36 days of indefinite strike. The challenge is greater but if you want to relaunch and environmentalize that site. If we plan to resize production and cut personnel, we will know how to respond”.
