Council of Ministers high voltage yesterday afternoon on the new appointments concerning the Rai, INPS e Inail, the Guardia di Finanza , Police: a few decisions, many crossed vetoes and a couple of postponements full of poisons.
The new appointments at the top of the Guardia di Finanza and the State Police are skipped but the rule passes for Fuortes through which Meloni will be able to fully lay hands on Rai and the commissioner of Inail and Inps passes which opens new prairies to the hunger of the parcelling system Right-centre government. But let's go through the nomination dossier point by point for how it was configured in yesterday's meeting of a very tense Council of Ministers.
Rai: the Fuortes standard passes which will go to the San Carlo Theater in Naples, paving the way for Melonian conquest of state TV
The Fratelli d'Italia flag flies more and more on Rai. Yesterday the Council of Ministers approved the so-called standard Outside (from the name of the current Director General of State TV) which provides for the retirement at 70 of the superintendents of the opera houses. A ploy to put the current superintendent out of the door Teatro San Carlo of Naples, the French Stephane Lissner (it rains on the wet of the stormy Italy-France relations), which should thus decline, opening the door to his replacement with Fuortes who, in turn, would leave the number one armchair of Rai for which the premier it already has its strict adherence candidates.
Guardia di Finanza: tug-of-war over Commander Zafarana's successor
Nothing to be done instead for the appointment of the new Commander of the Guardia di Finanza who will have to take Giuseppe's place Zafarana, just appointed Chairman of Eni. The powerful undersecretary Alfredo Mantovano is pressing for the appointment of the current number 2 of the GdF Andrea De Gennaro, brother of the former Chief of Police Gianni, but the Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti, who is responsible by law for making the nomination proposal, would prefer Umberto Sirico, commander of the special departments. The disagreements cause the appointment to be postponed.
Police: change at the top is frozen
The clashes in the Government over the appointment of the new Chief of the Guardia di Finanza end up being reflected also at the top of the State Police where it is rumored that the current number one, Lamberto Giannini, is not expiring but could give way to Vittorio Pisani, current number two of Aisi and highly esteemed by Matteo Salvini, becoming prefect of Rome. For now, no agreement but it is clear that the battle over the GdF also affects the future of the State Police.
Inps and Inail commissioner and division between FdI and Lega
As has been rumored for some time, the Government has finally decided to change the governance of Inail and Inps by appointing two commissioners and preparing to choose the new leaders. Yesterday's Council of Ministers decided to eliminate the position of vice president in the two entities, currently covered by Marialuisa Gnecchi (Pd) at INPS and by Paolo Lazzara (M5S) for Inail. Within ten days the two commissioners will be appointed with the consequent forfeiture of the current top management. Surely he will have to leave the current INPS president, Pasquale Tridico in the Five Star share, while the Inail president Franco Bettoni in the Lega share is in the balance. The candidacies for the new leaders are flocking but the political agreement is already clear: Fratelli d'Italia will have INPS while Inail will remain in the League.