
Social and early Bees: decrees in the Gazzetta by Friday

This was assured by the economic adviser of Palazzo Chigi, Marco Leonardi, after the controversies opened by the unions over the new delay - The measures were signed by Gentiloni three weeks ago - Meanwhile, the time to submit applications is being reduced

Social and early Bees: decrees in the Gazzetta by Friday

By Friday the decrees on theSocial bee and on the pension a quota 41 for early workers. This was assured by Marco Leonardi, Palazzo Chigi's economic adviser, who spoke on Tuesday at the presentation of the Cisl Report on second-level bargaining. On the pensions front, "there is a gap to fill", he added.

Leonardi's words come a few hours after some controversial statements by the unions. “The situation is unsustainable – said Roberto Ghiselli, confederal secretary of the CGIL on Monday – One month after the deadline for submitting applications for access to the Ape sociale and the measures for early workers, they have not yet been published in the Gazzetta Official the relative decrees. In this way there is the risk of compromising access to the right of tens of thousands of workers, all with long years of work behind them, unemployed, disabled or assisting non self-sufficient people. Not to mention the inconvenience that the time constraints will cause for the workers, their companies and the service structures, for the preparation of the documentation".

Along the same lines Domenico Proietti, Uil confederal secretary: “Three weeks after Prime Minister Gentiloni signed the implementing decrees of the Social Bee and early retirement at 41 for early workers, the texts have not yet been published in the Official Gazette. It is a very serious fact that requires an urgent reflection on the functioning of the judiciary and bureaucracies of the Italian state. This delay causes damage to thousands of citizens who see reduced times to present the application and access the opportunities that the new social security legislation, launched with the latest budget law, introduces. An effort is required of all to give maximum information to male and female workers in order to bridge the inconvenience that this inexplicable delay is causing".

Meanwhile, the go-ahead for the decree on the voluntary Ape has not even arrived and the provision to allow the accumulation of insurance periods with professional funds is still missing.
