
Ape social: 46% of applications accepted, payment to come

For 2017, only 38 requests out of the 83 received will be accepted, but the 217 million thus saved by the state will finance the 2018 Ape social, which will have less strict rules.

Ape social: 46% of applications accepted, payment to come

THESocial bee was it a flop? The government is not there. Marco Leonardi, economic adviser to Palazzo Chigi, claims that by 2017 the State will accept 38 questions from Ape social and early retirement for early workers. That is to say more than two thirds of the 55 budgeted by the 2016 Budget law. The newspaper La Repubblica writes it today, adding that – again according to Leonardi – the 200 million saved will be used from 2018 onwards to broaden the audience entitled to the Ape sociale. On this latter measure there is agreement between the Government and the trade unions (or rather, with the CISL and UIL: not with the CGIL).

But let's take a deeper look at the numbers. In 2017 INPS received 83 thousand questions from Ape social. Of these, according to the figures provided by the Government, 45 thousand were rejected. It means that there have been 38 thousand accepted, i.e. less than half (46%). However, the resources are sufficient to cover over two-thirds of the resources allocated for this year under the Ape social item, which did not expect to reach more than 55 accepted requests.

This means at the end of the year approximately 217 million euros will remain of the 650 budgeted for 2017: an additional treasure that will be moved to the 2018 Ape social.

The measure will probably see the light with a maneuver amendment that the Government will present within this week in the Budget Committee in the Chamber.

However, the official numbers provided by INPS are still missing. Of the 66 applications received during the first window, the social security institution rejected almost 63%. The other 17 sent by November 30, however, are still under examination.

The rigidity of the rules which led INPS to reject so many applications it will be correct starting next year. “We will correct the weak points – assures Leonardi – We have already changed some of them during construction. Even those who worked for less than six months after the end of Naspi will have the Ape. And who doesn't come from a layoff, but from the closure of a fixed-term contract. Then the only verification by the Ministry of Labor will suffice to ascertain that an occupation is onerous, without also cross-referencing with Inail data. But we will make other changes and we will confirm the contribution bonus for women with children. Waiting for Parliament's proposals”.

And again: "In 2018 we would have more money to extend the Ape social to 15 categories of workers instead of 11, as per the agreement with the unions - continues Leonardi - Agreement which at this point is worth 500 million more resources per year, considering the 200 million more unspent. We will then set up a fund for the 2019 Ape sociale. No money will be lost, but it will be used to finance the measure even after 2018".

But even those who have seen Ape social's request accepted up to now have been mocked. The monthly allowance, which was due to start last May, it never arrived due to delays in the publication of the implementing decrees. The new starting date is set for January 2018, but in recent days the president of INPS, Tito Boeri, has assured that at least for a part of the accepted applications the money will be paid, complete with arrears, already starting this December.
