
Five-star anti-Semitism: from Grillo to Lannutti

It is not surprising that the beast of anti-Semitism has awakened precisely in the parties of the so-called "change" as revealed in Jacopo Iacoboni's book "The execution - 5 Stars from movement to government".

“Judaism and progress go hand in hand. We can break the yoke of the Jew only by freeing ourselves from progress”, Prussian parliamentarian Adolf Stoecker said in 1880. And his thought was shared by many of his compatriots: in XNUMXth-century Germany the Jews had become the elite of the intellectual professions and entrepreneurship, a new bourgeoisie that had been able to seize the opportunities of nascent capitalism with great intelligence. Thus attracting the hatred of the classes who felt, rightly or wrongly, damaged by their enterprise. The strongest component of anti-Semitism has never been religion, but social envy. As a German journalist of the time wrote, "anyone who finds himself competing with the Jews in his economic sector believes he is the victim of an injustice". A country like Germany, which arrived late and too abruptly in the industrial revolution (Great Britain had had sixty years of time), was having a hard time recovering from its traumas. And to somehow console himself, he went hunting for scapegoats. Starting with the Jews.  

Why speak now of events so distant from us? Because something dramatically similar is happening in today's Italy, recalcitrant entry into the eurozone and scared to death of the social costs of an accelerated and brutal modernization. No wonder the ancient beast of anti-Semitism has reawakened, and precisely among the ranks of the parties that embody the so-called "change". In his new book The execution. 5 Stars from movement to government, Laterza Publishers (if possible it's more chilling than the first, The experiment, and therefore absolutely worth reading) Jacopo Iacoboni recalls the unfortunate tweet of January 20 by Senator Grillino Elio Lannutti: “Group of the Elders of Sion and Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the skilled founder of the famous dynasty that still today controls the international banking system, led to the creation of a manifesto”. Attached is a link to the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", the notorious forgery of the tsarist police which has inspired all anti-Semites for more than a century, including Hitler. Even if he is quick to delete the tweet, the senator is promptly sued by Ruth Dureghello, on behalf of the Roman Jewish community, and today he is being investigated for inciting racial hatred. But Lannutti is not the only one to express these kinds of feelings. In November 18 a video was republished online by Rocco Casalino, spokesman for Prime Minister Conte, who speaking at a journalism school in Milan in 2004 said verbatim: "We are used to simplifying a period like the Second World War as Hitler=Evil and Jews = poor people, and that's it, without understanding the historical complexity that led the Germans to hate the Jews and then incinerate them, however unjust".

He will justify himself by claiming that it was a "performance", a play. But these are heavy words, which betray a way of thinking that is anything but isolated in the movement. After all, it was the founding father, Beppe Grillo, who unleashed the offensive against George Soros since 2017, portrayed as a dangerous criminal. According to the comedian, the fact that the prime minister of the time, Paolo Gentiloni, had received him at Palazzo Chigi was proof of a conspiracy against Italy: “What did you talk about with Soros? Did you complain about prosecutor Zuccaro's investigation into NGOs that allegedly act as Mediterranean taxis and are funded with millions of dollars each year by Soros himself? Did he ask you to intervene to block the investigation?”. For the pentastellati and their sovereign friends, the Jew Soros represents absolute Evil. Not for nothing, when +Europa, Emma Bonino's party, announced that it had received 200 euros from the founder of Oper Society, Giorgia Meloni commented: "Keep the money of the usurers". Well said, Georgia. Usurer. How else can we call him, the Jew Soros, that nasty old man with hooked hands who draws blood from poor people? Here it is, the enemy to fight against. The quintessence of that cosmopolitan elite which, through banks and supranational and European institutions, replenishes itself behind the backs of the people, and pursues a monstrous program of "ethnic replacement" in Europe (the so-called Kalergi plan, another historical hoax that is all the rage) with blacks in place of whites and Muslims in place of Christians. 

As can be seen, the distances between a Grillo or a Lannutti (or a Meloni) and a Prussian deputy of the late nineteenth century are not all that enormous. And even the recipes basically look alike. If we want to spite Soros and the demopluto-Jewish elites, free ourselves from progress, as Adolf Stoecker wishedwould be asking a little too much. But stopping growth is already a good result. And our rulers are doing it big time. 
