
Anticasta: Lanzillotta presents to the Chamber a bill against municipal mayors

The former API minister and parliamentarian Linda Lanzillotta presented to the Chamber, as she had anticipated to (Filo direct of 17 June), a bill aimed at avoiding the most paradoxical effects of the referendum on water and preventing that mayors, local administrators and relatives can enter the boards of municipal companies.

Anticasta: Lanzillotta presents to the Chamber a bill against municipal mayors

As anticipated to (Filo direct, last Friday 17 June) Linda Lanzillotta, API MP and former Minister of Regional Affairs in the second Prodi government, presented a bill to the Chamber to avoid the more paradoxical effects of the referendum on water and prevent mayors, local administrators and their relatives from being able to join the boards of directors of former municipal companies. The bill, already announced in the Montecitorio hall, is arousing widespread interest and receiving consensus from many political parties. Benedetto Della Vedova (fli) and Marco Causi (pd) have announced their support.
