
Ansaldo Sts, Hitachi raises the takeover bid pending the Tar

The Japanese company, following the Consob provision, has decided to increase the price of the mandatory total takeover bid on Ansaldo Sts from 9,50 euros to 9,68 euros.

Ansaldo Sts, Hitachi raises the takeover bid pending the Tar

Hitachi increases the price ofCompulsory takeover bid on Ansaldo Sts from 9,50 euro to 9,68 euro for each share taken in acceptance of the offer. The Japanese company decided it following the Consob provision, for which, however, the process of appealing to the Lazio Regional Administrative Court continues: "We reiterate the correctness of our actions and the intention to continue to pursue every initiative in court to protect our rights,” reads a note. 

Hitachi has therefore also asked the Stock Exchange Commission “to order a extension of the membership period tender offer of at least ten trading days from today's date, in order to allow Ansaldo shareholders to have sufficient time to evaluate the voluntary increase”. 

The Japanese company also announced that it "reserves the right to vote against the proposed distribution" of a dividend of 0,18 euro per share decided in recent days by the board of directors, "in the ordinary meeting of shareholders".
