
Even the cardinals attack Berlusconi

Angelo Bagnasco, president of the CEI, in an interview with Corriere della Sera: "Irresponsible those who think of settling down while the house is still burning" - "The caretaker government has protected from humiliating capitulations".

Even the cardinals attack Berlusconi

"You can't screw up a year's sacrifices. What is appalling is the irresponsibility of those who think of settling down while the house is still burning“. This was stated in an interview with 'Corriere della Sera' president of the CEI, Angelo Bagnasco, who says he is concerned about the "resilience of our country and social cohesion". The cardinal refers to resignation announced by Prime Minister Mario Monti after the PDL's about-face in Parliament.

“A year ago the problem was to secure Italy in a long-underestimated systemic crisis and in the face of a political class incapable of effective reforms – recalls Bagnasco -. The caretaker government has protected us from humiliating capitulations”. 

As for the early closure of the legislature, “it is always a negative signal for politics and for a country – continues the head of the CEI -. For too long the parties have not been able to reach difficult decisions and to speak the language of frankness and not that of easy demagoguery”.

Going into more detail, he judges Monti's choice positively: “A courageous act is better than floating. It was perhaps an inevitable decision”, but “the great sacrifices that have been required have the right to see concrete results as well as having made it possible not to fall into the abyss of the failure of the country-system. Furthermore, it is wise to take into serious consideration the authority that Italy has acquired in the European and international arena”. 

But, concludes Bagnasco, “it would be a mistake in the future not to make use of those who have rigorously and competently contributed to the credibility of our country in Europe and internationally, avoiding slipping into irreparable situations".
