
Anas: merger with Fs by January

"We expect full operations by January and the Anas Board of Directors convened for 24 January will already take place under the auspices of the Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane group," said Anas CEO Gianni Vittorio Armani.

Anas: merger with Fs by January

By the end of the month, after the go-ahead from the Antitrust authority, the merger between Ferrovie dello Stato and Anas should be completed: this was stated the president of Anas, Gianni Vittorio Armani. Conversing with journalists on the occasion of the conference "Connecting Italy, infrastructure emergency, crisis management from earthquakes to natural disasters", Armani pointed out that the next Board of Directors scheduled for January 24 should already see the completion of the 'operation.

“We await the opinion of the Antitrust for next week – explained the manager of Anas – then we will proceed with the transfer of shares. We expect full operation by January and the Anas Board of Directors convened for 24 January will already take place under the umbrella of the Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane group“. The merger, which envisages works for 29,5 billion euros over five years, had received the go-ahead from the State Accounting Office in April and had been included in a decree law.
