
National registry at the start: by 2016 the "digital citizen" will be born

The experimentation of the national registry will soon start, which will lead to the birth of the "digital citizen" by 2016 - The plan of the PA is to merge all the databases of the municipalities into a single centralized national base - With the "digital citizen" more savings are expected for the PA and faster practices

National registry at the start: by 2016 the "digital citizen" will be born

The experimentation that will lead by 2016 to the birth throughout Italy of the digital citizen. In fact, the experimentation will soon start in 26 Municipalities, including Rome, Milan and Turin of the National Registry of the resident population (Anpr), which will lead to the unification of the various local registry offices, the start of the digital domicile and the registry family.

The first two municipalities to experiment with the national registry of the resident population will be Cesena (FC) and Bagnacavallo (RA). The operation will continue in January 2016, with the takeover of another 24 municipalities that are already participating in the pilot group in the experimentation. “The first 26 municipalities cover a population of over 6,5 million inhabitants throughout the national territory and represent all the different types of institution - explains Agid - On the basis of this first experience, dissemination will continue in the remaining Italian municipalities with a program will be completed by the end of 2016”.

But what is the national registry office?
This is an innovation plan involving the Italian Public Administration. The ultimate goal is to do merge into a single centralized database at national level the over 8000 current databases present in the Municipalities of the Italian territory with the final result of simplify and optimize the municipal registry system.

The birth of the "digital citizen" will bring considerable advantages, in terms of simplification, also to citizens. The Anpr will allow them to make changes of residence from any Italian municipality and to request registry certificates even in municipalities other than that of residence. It will also make possible the continuous census of citizens by Istat, eliminating the burdensome costs of periodic censuses. "It will allow the PA to acquire personal data by consulting the Anpr database online, thus avoiding the maintenance of costly personal data banks for the provision of services", he concludes Agid.

National Registry: simplification and savings
The new Registry, according to the government's objectives, will allow economic savings, will allow a simplification and rationalization of databases and will guarantee greater certainty of personal data.

“Once all the municipalities have entered the system – explains the director of the Revenue Agency, Rossella Orlandi – the personal information will be complete, standardized and free from duplication. This is because the data on these events will reach the Tax Registry no longer from the individual municipal registry offices, but directly from the national one ”, she observed. The first example is that of birth notifications, which allow the data of newborns certified by the Municipalities to be acquired in the Tax Registry.

“Currently, thanks to this data, we attribute the tax code, guaranteeing the quality of the data entered, and we send the health card directly home, without the citizen going to our offices. This is already an excellent service, but the hope is that, with the new system, the flow of birth declarations, from the health facilities to the municipalities responsible for registration, will be even faster” concluded Orlandi.

Times halved also for the change of residence. With the national registry, the digital home, i.e. the certified e-mail address that the citizen can indicate as a priority means of communication with the public administration.
