
Amundi Sgr launches a new actively managed flexible fund

Amundi Sgr launches Amundi Diversification Active 2018 DUE on the Italian market, an actively managed flexible fund with a predefined investment term of five years. Portfolio risk is optimized according to the residual duration of the investment strategy. The new fund can be subscribed until 22 August 2013.

Amundi Sgr launches a new actively managed flexible fund

Amundi Sgr launches Amundi Active Diversification 2018 on the Italian market DUE, un Actively managed flexible fund with a predefined investment term of five years and a risk profile of 5 (on an increasing scale from 1 to 7). The portfolio risk is optimized according to the residual duration of the investment strategy, which expires on 31 August 2018.

The new fund, which can be subscribed until 22 August 2013 through the 904 branches of the banks of the Cariparma Crédit Agricole group (Cariparma, Banca Popolare FriulAdria and Carispezia), will be able to invest in shares (for a maximum of 70%), bonds (for a maximum of 100%), instruments linked to the return of commodities and liquidity (for a maximum of 30%).

“The launch of Amundi Diversification Attiva 2018 DUE was designed for those who want a flexible product with a medium-term time horizon, a strategy based on this horizon and broad portfolio diversification” – explains Gabrile Tavazzani, general coordinator and Sales Manager Marketing of Amundi Sgr.

The fund aims to achieve the growth of invested capital over a 5-year horizon in compliance with a predefined risk budget. The investment strategy adopted is of the active type, the allocation of the portfolio is in fact constructed according to the macro-economic scenarios and given the predefined level of volatility.

During the life of the fund, the positive returns realized are invested in bonds with a rating of at least equal to "investment grade" (at the time of investment) in order to protect the gains accrued by the fund up to that moment. The securities purchased are kept in the portfolio until the end of the investment horizon or, if deemed appropriate to limit risk or increase expected profitability, replaced with bonds with a residual life consistent with the investment policy of the fund.

Simone Facchinato, Investment Director of Asmundi Sgr, explained how "Amundi Diversification Active 2018 DUE is managed to be able to offer returns in different market contexts".
