
Administrative, in Piedmont Cirio towards victory. And the Tav starts again

The challenge in Piedmont is the most important of the 2019 administrative games. In the middle of the ballot, the victory goes to the Lega and Salvini announces: "Forward with the Tav" . Chiamparino admits defeat.

Administrative, in Piedmont Cirio towards victory. And the Tav starts again

Alberto Cirio against Sergio Chiamparino. The challenge for the conquest of the Piedmont Region – the most important of local elections in May 2019 – seems already won by the exponent of the League. And the Tav, consequently, is destined to start again: not because Chiamparino, the outgoing Pd governor, does not want it. On the contrary, he fought for the realization of the work. But because the victory of the League puts the M5S in a corner, which has made the No Tav its identity battle.

For now, the only certain data is that on the turnout at the polls: with the counting completed in all the sections of the region (1181), the final turnout for the Piedmont regional elections is 63,34%, against 66,45 % of previous consultation. However, the result now seems obvious: in the middle of the ballot, Cirio flies to 48,8% and distances Chiamparino by more than 10 points, still at 37,5%. The outgoing governor has no choice but to admit defeat with a phone call to his rival: "He phoned me to congratulate me - says Cirio - and he said: By now the result is clear, I hope you can do better than I did . We will see you in the next few days for the handover”. Cirio adds “The data from the eve seem confirmed to me, with a very high margin, I'm very satisfied. Piedmont needs to restart, it has higher unemployment rates, we will be at work immediately to give Piedmont another speed. Chiamparino is a very respectable person, the electoral campaign was full of content that will be valuable baggage for the work of the coming months. Tonight we will all celebrate together at the electoral committee”

The figure therefore confirms the forecasts of the Exit Polls. The same data that had prompted Matteo Salvini to affirm: “If the League goes to government in Piedmont it is clear that it will be a message for the continuation of the great works. We asked for a Yes vote,” he himself declared at a press conference in via Bellerio, commenting on the results of the vote.

As for the other candidates, the gap over the first two is abysmal: Giulio Bertola of the M5s stops at 12,9%, while Valter Boero of Il Popolo della Famiglia gets 0,7%.

(Last update: 18.30 pm on 27 May).
