
Environment: the first test for Mario Draghi

Environment: the first test for Mario Draghi

The rewriting of the Recovery plan and the proposals of environmentalists to change Italy.

Just enough time to tell the first Council of Ministers that yours is an environmentalist government than for the President Mario Draghi the examination of the main dossiers on environmental sustainability, on the green transition, on all the choices that the previous government did not make begins. After the appeal of the Committee "Science to the vote" with the spokesman, the physicist Antonello Pasini, who recalled the urgency of "scientifically based measures because the climate and environmental crisis represents a priority for the future of the country" here is the dossier of Legambiente. A rich document, expected to be tested after the premier's consultations with the associations, before forming the government. The organization has prepared a thorough "counter-Recovery plan", with 23 intervention priorities, 63 territorial projects to be financed and 5 transversal reforms. The game to be played involves almost all the Regions to bring Italy to top positions in the fight against climate change and have effects on the social and cultural fabric.

The establishment of the Ministry of Tourism – abolished in 1993 – is certainly a good start towards the harmonization of the interventions to be done with the money of the European Union. Do not waste European resources and the restart of the country includes more simplifications, more effective public controls, a new rule on public debate, says Legambiente. His proposals, not all achievable in a short time, it must be clear, could still become the basis for teamwork. What was basically missing with Conte 2. The President Stephen Ciafani, he hopes so: «It is our hope that the Executive will have the courage to change register and step, thinking of a different Recovery plan, modifying it and putting the climate crisis at the center, also taking a cue from our document. » The synthesis prepared concerns the simplifications of project approval, the strengthening of the National Environmental Protection System, effective governance on hydrogeological risk, a training and updating program for the Public Administration, the participation of citizens and local institutions in Environmental impact assessments. A program for a greener, more livable, innovative and inclusive Italy that requires a collective effort. No political party denies it, but today's results are decidedly scarce. Among the projects to be financed, Legambiente indicates the high-speed train in central and southern Italy, the regional railway networks, the electrification of ports, the conversion of coal-fired plants, the decarbonisation of the smaller islands. Proposals and projects that a less centralized drafting of the draft PNRR prepared by Giuseppe Conte should have evaluated more carefully. The ministers of the previous government, reconfirmed in the Draghi government, will have to come to terms with it. They themselves will have to change their working method and pay attention to what comes from the worlds outside the Palace. That Plan to restart Italy also in tourism, culture and leisure essentially did not take the right path and the country is suffering. It lacks a compass, said Legambiente. Mario Draghi is an excellent helmsman, but he won't work miracles. Let's hope he at least gets his team on the right track.
