
Environment: how to defend it with a master's degree

For the second consecutive year, the University of Perugia is organizing a specific Master for professionals related to the managerial management of green areas useful to local authorities.

Environment: how to defend it with a master's degree

Environmental protection as a university specialization in order not to waste resources. Imagining a Master's degree to build and manage environmental works was unthinkable until recently. Yet the University of Perugia believed in it and will keep enrollments open until 31 January.Master in Management of works for environmental protection and greenery". It's the second time she organizes it. And if the first edition could have some elements of uncertainty, the second attests to the validity of a specific course of study. There is a need for specializations in Italy, especially in public administration. It is here that the risk of designing works harmful to the environment and the community is more real than it appears. Future planners can aspire to enter local authorities with ad hoc qualifications. After all, there is a great economic challenge to face as well as ruinous unexpected events. Thanks to the more than 200 billion of the Recovery Plan, there are hundreds of local environmental projects and they are taking shape in recent weeks. That's exactly why, he says Alberto Patruno, Secretary of Assoimpredia (National Association of Defense and Environmental Protection Companies) you can't go wrong. As for the unforeseen events on which to intervene competently, a fire devastated the historic Villa Comunale in Naples.

The territories are short of professionalism and skills for interventions destined to last. With the students from Perugia, a cultural and managerial gap is being filled. For a long time, the Municipalities relied on technicians without particular backgrounds and a lot of public money was badly spent. With those of the PNRR, on the other hand, you need to have iclear dee and certainty of doing useful work. Not surprisingly, the Master is also sponsored by the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

The main promoters of the annual course are Maurizio Oliviero, Rector of the University of Perugia e Alberto Patruno. They want each other form true manager of the green in a state university, subtracting young people from artificial courses organized by non-accredited structures. The didactic activity will focus in particular on environmental legislation, on public tenders, on corporate management organisation. The initiative also has the support of ISPRA (Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research), SNPA (National System for Environmental Protection), Confindustria and Anve (National Association of Nursery Exporters).

Good green designs are linked to the battles against climate change. A recent report of the Intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC), addresses the issue of territorial planning policies with environmental disasters and climate crises. The ability of the contracting entities to involve specific professionals from the outset overlaps with work on the agenda of the various Ministries. The expenditure will qualify when everything from construction management to site supervision to urban planning creativity will be headed by figures trained in a historic Italian university.
