
Amazon: the EU wants 400 million in taxes

The news was reported by the Financial Times which speaks of a figure corresponding to 400 million in taxes evaded. According to Brussels, the tax agreement concluded in 2003 between the company led by Jeff Bezos and Luxembourg according to which Amazon would pay less taxes than necessary would represent real state aid under EU law.

Tomorrow, October 4, the European Commission will present to Amazon the account of unpaid taxes in Luxembourg thanks to the "tax ruling" agreement from which it has benefited for almost 10 years.

The news was reported by the Financial Times which speaks of a figure corresponding to 400 million in taxes evaded. According to Brussels, the tax agreement concluded in 2003 between the company led by Jeff Bezos and Luxembourg according to which Amazon would pay less taxes than necessary would represent real state aid under EU law. 

The decision to open an investigation was disclosed at the beginning of October 2014. Going into detail, according to what was written by the British business newspaper, the tax ruling would have allowed the European Amazon, based in Luxembourg, to improperly abolish the profits made in the old continent through the payment of tax-free intercompany royalties.

