
4 other white zone regions from June 7: here are the rules and data

The Italian epidemiological situation continues to improve and 4 other regions pass into the white zone - Here are the rules and prospects for the coming weeks

4 other white zone regions from June 7: here are the rules and data

From Monday 7 June four other regions will pass into the white zone, going to keep company in Molise, Sardinia and Friuli-Venezia Giulia. It's about Liguria, Veneto, Abruzzo and Umbria which for three consecutive weeks managed to maintain an incidence of less than 50 covid cases per 100 thousand inhabitants. The ordinance was signed by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza. 


In the white area it will be possible to say goodbye to the curfew and it will be possible to go to the restaurant for lunch or dinner in a group: there is no limit for the tables outdoors, while indoors a maximum of 8 people can sit together. 

The obligation remains to maintain distance, to wear a mask. Gatherings are prohibited. Green light for weddings with green passes, but also for ceremonies, fairs, festivals, congresses. Discos will also be able to reopen, but with a ban on dancing on the floor, theme and amusement parks, wellness and spa centers, indoor swimming pools, game rooms, betting, bingo and casinos.


Next week (Monday 14 June, another 6 regions could pass into the white zone: Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy, Lazio, Piedmont, Puglia and the autonomous province of Trento. On 21 June, however, it should be the turn of Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Marche , Tuscany, Sicily and the autonomous province of Bolzano. If all goes as it should, the only one to remain in the yellow will be the Valle d'Aosta which will only be able to become a bank on June 28. "By mid-June almost all of Italy will be in the white area if this trend of decrease in infections is maintained”, comments the president of the Higher Institute of Health Silvio Brusaferro.


The prospects are encouraging. In fact, according to the ISS-Ministry of Health weekly monitoring, the national RT dropped to 0,68 cases compared to 0,72 recorded last week. The incidence is also decreasing, the national value of which according to what is learned would have reached 32 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants compared to 47 of 7 days ago. 

All Regions and autonomous provinces are classified as low risk, have an average Rt of less than 1 and therefore transmissibility compatible with a type one scenario.

Moving on to hospitals, no region exceeds the critical threshold of bed occupancy in the intensive care unit or medical area. In intensive care the percentage is 12% (1.033 people hospitalized), in medical areas 11% (6.482 people). 
