
High speed: a new "tax" could soon arrive

The decree transposing the directive on the single European railway area mentions the opportunity to increase the fee for the use of lines that allow speeds equal to or greater than 250 kilometers per hour. The novelty, if it is implemented by the government with an implementing decree, impacts on the privatization of the Fs and Ntv and on ticket prices

High speed: a new "tax" could soon arrive

THEhigh speed it could become a little more expensive for everyone: both for the Italian companies that currently offer this service (Ntv and Ferrovie dello Stato) and for users. According to what the economic newspaper MF writes today, there could be a surcharge on the fee for the use of lines that allow speed equal to or greater than 250 kilometers per hour.

The decree that will implement the directive on the single European railway area is under examination in Parliament and among the many points present in the text there is also the one that regulates the conditions of access to the railway infrastructure. The decree does not specify whether the increase of fee for the use of the high-speed line will be applied but only this opportunity is taken into account, at least for the moment. 

Any increase in the fee for the use of the high-speed line will have to be established with a decree by the Ministries of Transport and the Economy only after consulting the Transport Authority. If the 'tax' were to be applied, there would be many problems for the two high-speed carriers: ntv would suffer an increase in the cost of the high-speed line at a decisive moment for the future of the company while Railways it would find itself having to deal with a new tax on the eve of its privatisation. Obviously a possible increase in the high-speed fee would have a significant impact on the accounts of the two companies which, to recover all or part of the amount, could resort to an increase in the price of tickets.
