
Italian Cooperative Alliance: Rosario Altieri new president

Rosario Altieri of the AGCI was unanimously elected by the assembly of delegates held in Rome as the new president of the alliance between the central cooperatives – Mauro Lusetti and Maurizio Gardini will be the co-presidents.

Italian Cooperative Alliance: Rosario Altieri new president

Rosario Altieri is the new president of the Alliance of Italian Cooperatives for the 2015 mandate. This was announced in a note from the association. Altieri was unanimously elected during the assembly of delegates which took place at the Palazzo della Cooperazione in Rome while Mauro Lusetti and Maurizio Gardini were chosen as co-presidents.

The new president, Altieri, was satisfied: “With today's Assembly, the Alliance of Italian Cooperatives confirms its full determination to proceed expeditiously along the path of the organic union of the Italian cooperative movement represented by Agci, Confcooperative and Legacoop, reaffirming the date of January 2017 as a deadline for the constitution of the Single Central".
