
Alliance against poverty in Italy, proposed to the Government: Social inclusion income since 2015

According to Gianni Bottalico, national president of ACLI, "the social card is not the answer to poverty in structural terms" - "A national plan against poverty is needed immediately, initially using at least 1,7 billion euros to get up and running in four years at an expense of 7 billion, one cent of current expenditure”.

Alliance against poverty in Italy, proposed to the Government: Social inclusion income since 2015

“The proposal of the Social Inclusion Income constitutes a social policy method to subtract the low social spending from a logic of seeking consensus”. So the sociologist Mauro Magatti commented on the proposal for a structural measure to fight poverty addressed to the government this morning by the Alliance against poverty in Italy, on the eve of the presentation of the stability law.

“Even the EU considers the fight against poverty and support for active inclusion to be important – commented the Undersecretary for Labor and Social Policies, Franca Biondelli -. We intend to strengthen the Sia experimentation, active in 12 cities of the country, seeking the resources in the stability law to extend it to the entire country. Payments were initiated from April to August, 50 million euros for the 12 cities. The government shares views with the Reis project, but there are budgetary limits that must be reckoned with”. But according to Gianni Bottalico, national president of ACLI, "the social card is not the answer to poverty in structural terms".  

Professor Cristiano Gori, who oversaw the project, underlined that the Reis constitutes a proposal to tackle poverty organically, which according to Istat data has doubled in the last seven years and now affects 9,9% of the population. For this reason "it is urgent to start a national plan against poverty immediately, starting from 2015 - reads one night from the ACLI -, initially using at least 1,7 billion euros to get up to speed in four years at a cost of 7 billions, one cent of current expenditure”.

The founders of the Alliance against poverty in Italy are Acli, Action Aid, Anci, Italian Catholic Action, Italian Caritas, Cgil-Cisl-Uil, Cnca, Community of Sant'Egidio, Confcooperative, Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, National Federation of the Society of San Vincenzo De Paoli Italian National Council - ONLUS, Fio-PSD, Fondazione Banco Alimentare ONLUS, National Forum of the Third Sector, Jesuit Social Network, Legautonomie, Save the Children, New Humanity-Focolare Movement. 
