
Alleanza Assicurazioni, 900 hires in the next 4 years

The agreement, signed with the unions on 23 October, also contemplates enhancing the role of independent insurance consultants.

Alleanza Assicurazioni, 900 hires in the next 4 years

Negotiations for the renewal of the National Collective Agreement of Alleanza Assicurazioni were successfully completed in Rome. At the heart of the agreement, signed on 23 October, is an important employment plan, which envisages 900 hires over the next four years, based on merit-based criteria defined in agreement with the trade union organisations.  

“An agreement of historic significance – he declared Marco Sesana, Country Manager Italy & Ceo of Generali Italy and Global Business Lines – which enhances the organizational and operational model of Alleanza, unique in the Italian insurance landscape. It is an innovative agreement for the sector which combines elements of organizational flexibility with an important employment plan, supported by strong investments in training aimed at the professional qualification of our consultants”.  

“This plan has an important national significance – he commented David Passero, Ceo of Alliance Insurance – testifying to the fact that where the productive activity of the structures is marked by growth and the creation of value, the conditions are created for being able to implement development projects of absolute importance. The agreement establishes the centrality for Alleanza of the issues of professionalism of its collaborators and of economic and organizational balance of its distribution structure on the territory”.  

The contract, which starts from the sharing of the Alleanza model, introduces new organizational elements of flexibility and recovery of productivity as elements necessary for the growth of the business and, consequently, of employment. "The agreement signed - adds Passero - involves a further evolution of constructive group union relations and, when possible, capable of shared innovation". 

The agreement also contemplates enhancing the role of independent insurance consultants, which form the source of new hires. The independent insurance consultant is granted significant economic, regulatory, social security and health protections, in line with the most recent legislative guidelines for the promotion and protection of self-employment.  

Important attention is paid to the issue of equal opportunities through specific provisions for the protection of female employment: a particularly important issue for the Company as women represent 50% of total insurance consultants. From this point of view, the agreement takes its place in an innovative dimension, crossing the theme of welfare and equal opportunities with the extension of protections beyond the traditional spheres.
