
Weather alert: Cyclone Goliath arrives

Cyclone Goliath will hit Italy over the weekend, bringing not so much the cold (winter will hit the tail end of next week, however) as a wave of torrential rains on the Centre-North – Abundant snow in the Alps – Alert in Liguria.

Weather alert: Cyclone Goliath arrives

Goodbye early spring: the Goliath cyclone will hit Italy over the weekend, bringing not so much the cold (the tail end of winter will, however, occur in the middle of next week) as a wave of torrential rains over a large part of the peninsula. In fact, the weather situation for the weekend promises to be explosive: according to experts, the cyclone will range from very low to 981 hectopascals (unit of measurement of pressure) and will hit many northern and central regions hard. 

In particular, Liguria will be hit by heavy rainfall on Saturday, starting in the afternoon: maximum alert on the provinces of Genoa and Savona until all day Monday. Not even the province of Imperia will be spared from Goliath's fury, especially on Sunday evening. Attention also in La Spezia. The alert for Saturday also concerns the upper Piedmont, which will receive abundant rainfall until Monday morning, going to swell the rivers.

The rains will then extend over the course of Saturday night and then throughout Sunday at rest of the North, Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio and Sardinia. Thunderstorms possible in all these regions and very abundant snow forecast throughout the Alps above 400/900 metres. Pay particular attention to Versilia and the Rome area.

On Monday, following the (slow) shift towards the central regions, the rainfall will also tend to hit the Northeast, with abundant rains in Treviso, Padua and in the province of Verona.
