
Alitalia, Renzi: "Either redundancies, or it closes"

“In respect of the roles, I think it is a good reality for the future of the country, it will be necessary for everyone to make sacrifices: the alternative is not between x redundancies or y; today the alternative is between x redundancies and closure. You can't be afraid to tell it like it is,” the Premier said last night.

Etihad's proposal on Alitalia is "very good" and "I invite everyone to be wise". The premier, Matteo Renzi, said this yesterday, in response to those who asked him if he was confident about an agreement between the company and the unions by tomorrow, while negotiations were underway at the Ministry of Transport. 

During the press conference at the end of the meeting of the Council of Ministers, Renzi added that “in respect of the roles I think it is a beautiful reality for the future of the country, it will be necessary for everyone to make sacrifices: the alternative is not between x redundancies or y; today the alternative is between x redundancies and closure. You can't be afraid to tell it like it is." 

As for the agreement with the unions, Renzi replied: “I'm not good at making forecasts, I know that faced with a situation like this, a sense of responsibility is needed. The risk is that the company will close down”.
