
Alitalia for sale: here is the announcement. Towards license renewal

"In the event of substantial equality of overall conditions offered, those concerning the Single Lot will be considered preferable" - The alternative is to split the company into the "aviation" and "handling" lots

Alitalia for sale: here is the announcement. Towards license renewal

Alitalia will be sold en bloc or in two separate lots (“aviation” and “handling”) and the finalization of the offers will close on 5 November. This is what we read in the call for tenders published this morning in the main newspapers.

"In the event of substantial equality of overall conditions offered, those concerning the Single Lot will be considered preferable", specifies the text.

The tender, which has received the authorization of the Ministry of Economic Development, establishes that for the Single Lot and for the Aviation one (air transport and maintenance activities) companies or consortia that have achieved a gross annual turnover in the last three years may submit offers average of at least 1 billion euro or have had shareholders' equity of at least 250 million in the last financial year.

The requirements drop to 50 million in turnover and 25 million in assets for those who want to submit offers for the Handling Lotto (airport services for ground handling to third parties).

The announcement (signed by commissioners Luigi Gubitosi, Stefano Paleari and Enrico Laghi) establishes that expressions of interest must be received between 7 August and 15 September, and within 10 days of receipt, any admission to the procedure will be notified with the opening date room. As anticipated, the deadline for binding offers is set for 2 October.

Any phase "of negotiation and/or improvement of the Binding Offers submitted will be completed by 5 November 2017".

The announcement clarifies that subjects interested in Alitalia, in receivership since 2 May, will be able to set up or modify consortia during the procedure, "even by joining subjects who have not expressed interest pursuant to this invitation".


ENAC is "ready" to renew Alitalia's license at the November deadline, subject to the necessary checks by the general manager. This was stated by the president of the institution, Vito Riggio, heard in the Senate's Public Works Commission

"Also because - he explained - the cash flow data indicate that not only Alitalia has not affected the 600 million that has been lent to it but it even has more because at this moment it fills the planes and has a positive cash flow". Riggio, reporting that there is a “cash of 614 million” reiterated: “It seems to me that the conditions exist to avoid this gossip 'then in November he won't have a license anymore': it's not true. I want to confirm it from our point of view, for me the conditions are there, our general manager then has the responsibility with his offices to verify it ".

Updated 17:10pm Tuesday 1st August
