
Food: Italians increasingly for zero km products

A research by Reale Mutua Assicurazione consolidates an already anti-Covid sustainability trend. The relationship with seasonal and local products is privileged. Young people are the most attentive to eco-sustainable consumption

Food: Italians increasingly for zero km products

Not just slogans. Locally sourced shopping has conquered the Italians. The long lockdown has made them grow in conscious consumption, raising family sensitivity towards the environment and the kitchen in general. The Reale Mutua insurance company has created an Observatory to study the behavior of Italians in its welfare strategy. These companies need to intercept mass trends and needs to restructure services, propose solutions, in a complicated restart.

As far as shopping is concerned, therefore, more than 1 out of 3 Italians - 41% - now buys it directly from the manufacturer, says a study by Reale Mutua - Istituto Nextplora. An entirely Made in Italy basket made up of fruit, vegetables, wine, cheeses, chosen "because they guarantee quality, product care and, many times, by virtue of a relationship of trust with the producer himself". A large act of trust, very effective if it is done, as it appears, with reasons of environmental sustainability.

And, then, why not also combine a green vision and digital capability? Certain. 63% of respondents are enthusiastic about using apps and online platforms. Home delivery is also essential, regardless of the age of the consumer.

Effects of the pandemic that can fade away when everything returns to normal? Not necessarily, given the trend of home delivery even before Covid. It is especially appreciated by young and very young people who, coincidentally, are also the best equipped in terms of environmental protection. They don't go on heavy foods. On the contrary, as demonstrated by many other researches, they prefer organic farming products.

Another important area of ​​Made in Italy, explains the research, because these products meet sustainability criteria (44%) and are good for health (22%). The psychological, but above all food, reflection of zero kilometer purchases is the seasonality of what you get from the producer.

They are products that go to the table within a few days and are considered by a large majority to be healthier and capable of supporting the agricultural economy of the territories. A "futurist" synthesis of Italian green food.
