
Alfano challenges Berlusconi: "PDL primaries for the candidate for prime minister"

In the event of elections, "the premier candidate will have to be chosen through primaries that are as open as possible", says the Minister of the Interior - Raffaele Fitto takes a completely different line: "Berlusconi carried out the 2013 electoral campaign saying that the candidate in the palace Chigi would have been Alfano. So he will once again decide what to do”.

Alfano challenges Berlusconi: "PDL primaries for the candidate for prime minister"

Compact on fate of Annamaria Cancellieri, divided over the future of the party. The temperature in the Pdl house is rising again. To fan the fire is once again Angelino Alfano, which relaunches one of the most unpopular proposals for orthodox Berluscones: in the event of elections, "the prime minister candidate will have to be chosen through primaries as open as possible, in which the highest number of sympathizers participate – said the former Delfino del Cavaliere -. Whoever gets the most votes becomes the candidate. My view hasn't changed since the end of 2012, when we launched the primaries. I myself then blocked them when Berlusconi decided to reappear, and Giorgia Meloni still reproaches me for it ". 

On a completely different line Raffaele Fitto, leader of the Berlusconi loyalists and Alfano's main antagonist in the race to succeed the Cavaliere: “I think about the after Berlusconi – he said -, the day in which Berlusconi will authorize the 'after'. We recall that he did the 2013 electoral campaign saying that the candidate for Palazzo Chigi would be Alfano. So he will once again decide what to do”.

As for the party line, Alfano reaffirms the line of moderation: “Ours has always been a great movement with moderate leadership and prevalence. It is not good that it ends up in the hands of extremists. Berlusconi is not, but there is the risk that in the practical and daily management of communication that drift will take place”.  

At the same time, however, the interior minister denies the prospect of a split: “The idea of ​​giving birth to a centrist party that autonomously adheres to the EPP is cosmic bullshit. The theme is not to add a new birth to the line-up, but to create a large centre-right uniting all the moderate and reformist forces alternative to the left, starting with that centrist area which took 10% of the votes and which, aligned with us, would have led us to a resounding victory”.
