
Alessandro Ortis to the Transport Authority

The name of the former president of the Energy Authority gathers the consensus of all the parties, who want to find an agreement before the next legislature – The other two members of the new Authority should be Mario Valducci and Maria Rita Lorenzetti.

Alessandro Ortis to the Transport Authority

Alessandro Ortis is in pole position for the presidency of the transport authority. The new authority set up last spring by one of the decrees of the Monti Government to favor the deregulation of the market and competition, is not yet operational because the various parties that support the government have so far failed to agree on the names of the three members of the executive of the new organism.

Now it seems that the positions of all the parties may converge on the name of Ortis, recognizing the former president of the energy authority with organizational capacity and absolute independence of judgement, essential qualities to guarantee the independence of this new body which will have to dealing with very delicate sectors such as the railways sector. The other two members of the board could being Mario Valducci and Maria Rita Lorenzetti.

The former is the current chairman of the Transport Committee of the Chamber, with a PDL share, but in recent years he has shown balance and competence so much as to obtain the consent of the UDC and the respect of many MPs of the Pd. However, the latter should bring Lorenzetti, former president of the Umbria Region and currently involved in a company of the FS group that deals with mobility, to the top of authority.

In short, after a long tug of war it seems that on the name of Ortis the situation is about to unblock itself. On the other hand, the first candidate preferred by Monti, Prof. Senn, being a Swiss citizen, cannot occupy a top position in a non-economic public body such as the authority. Also everyone seems to have convinced themselves that it would be risky to waste any more timeperhaps postponing everything to the next legislature. In fact, no one today can know how the next Parliament will be made up and if there really will be a large representation of Grillini or of the extreme left with which it could be difficult to find a reasonable agreement.
