Alerion grows, new wind farm in Romania

Alerion Clean Power Spa, an Italian company active in the renewable energy sector, has obtained authorization for the construction of a new field of wind turbines in Romania. The plant, which will have a capacity of 58MW, will be built in Jimbolia, a city located in the historical region of Banto, a few steps from the border with Serbia.

At full capacity the Transylvanian wind will generate 130 Gwh/year. Giulio Antonello, CEO of Alerion, enthusiastically commented on the novelty: "After the Borod (Germany) and Krupen (Bulgaria) plants, the Romanian order represents an important step in our growth strategy".

The CEO underlined how the company's expansion takes into account geographical differentiation and reiterated Alerion's goal of occupying a prominent position in the field of renewables at an Italian and European level. Despite the good news and the day in Piazza Affari, characterized by moderate and generalized increases, the Alerion stock lost 11% around 1 am. 

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