
At the Palace of Parliamentary Groups the debate on Abravanel's essay "Italy, grow up or go out!"

The debate on the essay by Roger Abravanel and Luca D'Agnese entitled "Italia, cresci o esci!" – The Vice-President of the Chamber Maurizio Lupi will be present – ​​Among others, Fulvio Conti, CEO of Enel, and Favio Gallia, CEO of BNL, will take part in the debate.

At the Palace of Parliamentary Groups the debate on Abravanel's essay "Italy, grow up or go out!"

On Thursday 27 September, at 18.00, there will be a debate on the essay “Italia, cresci o esci!” by Roger Abravanel and Luca D'Agnese. The meeting will take place in Palace of the Parliamentary Groups at Via Campo Marzio 78.

Fulvio Conti, CEO of Enel, Fabio Gallia, CEO of BNL, Ivanhoe Lo Bello, vice president of Confindustria, and the journalist and writer Piero Angela will take part. Will be also present Maurizio Lupi, vice president of the Chamber of Deputies.

The essay by Abravanel and D'Agnese, published by Garzanti Libri in the Saggi corsari series, was released in bookstores on May 24, 2012.

To read the introduction, click here.  

