
Airports: new anti-contagion security system in Bologna

The Bologna airport is the first to adopt the innovative "BeST Method" system, which complies with WHO requirements and reduces the risk of direct contagion by 70%.

Airports: new anti-contagion security system in Bologna

Bologna airport is the first Italian airport to adopt the "BeST method", the most advanced innovative system to protect the health of passengers and operators during security checks and which allows you to avoid frontal contact.

"The emergency linked to the Coronavirus has highlighted the need and the obligation for all airports to consider the adoption of all the necessary measures to significantly reduce the risk of contagion". To underline it is Salvatore Forte, founder of Forte Secur Group and creator of the "BeST Technique", as well as Enac Certified Auditor and Instructor. Forte Secur Group is one of the main players in Italy to deal at 360 degrees in the Aviation Security sector, training of control personnel and airport security consultancy and sensitive objectives.

The Guglielmo Marconi airport of Bologna has therefore chosen to immediately adopt this innovative technique which, more than all the others used to carry out passenger checks, complies with WHO requirements and reduces the risk of direct contagion by 70%..

“Improving the safety and health standards at the airport both for travelers and for the control staff themselves - highlights Salvatore Forte - also allows passengers to respect the privacy and reduce control times, all benefits of the certified "BeST Technique" by doctors, psychologists and industry experts. Among the major advantages, there is a clear reduction in the risk of aggression and, what matters most in this period, the risk of direct contagion. Risks that are always latent, but which our innovative solutions allow us to counteract effectively, almost eliminating them".

Feedback was immediately collected from the personnel implementing the new control technique in the field: all the security operators who are applying this innovative technique at Bologna airport said they were enthusiastic not only for the reduction of the risk of direct contagion , also for ergonomics and less physical stress to which they are subjected during the work shift.

“The BeST Technique – adds Forte – created by us in 2015 for the training of security personnel responsible for the supervision of critical infrastructures, has subsequently been adapted to meet the requirements foreseen for airports. We have further optimized it in the last month following the coronavirus epidemic: the new more advanced "HP" mode (which stands for High Protection), allows to further reduce exposure to the risk of direct contagion up to 95% compared to the "traditional" technique.
