
AI will also change the world of work: Marco Bentivogli explains risks and opportunities

An in-depth analysis by Marco Bentivogli explores the theme of artificial intelligence in its impact on the world of work: many jobs will disappear but many more will be created

AI will also change the world of work: Marco Bentivogli explains risks and opportunities

In an extensive article in Il Foglio last week, Marco Bentivogli, the most brilliant of the Italian trade unionists of the last decade that the Cisl led by Furlan irresponsibly induced to resign as leader of the metalworkers some time ago, has thoroughly analyzed the impact of artificial intelligence, in particular of the GPT-3.5 language model , on the world of work with the possible appearance of new professional figures called "operaAI".

The advent of AI models such as GPT-3.5 has opened up new perspectives in the automation of natural language-related tasks. Chat GPT, in particular, is a virtual entity capable of understanding and generating text in a fluid and coherent way, paving the way for various applications in many professional sectors.

Artificial intelligence: the impact on the world of work

Bentivogli points out that automation and artificial intelligence have historically led to the disappearance of some jobs. In fact, he recalls that in the United States the AI ​​Observatory of the University of Pennsylvania estimates that at least the80% of workers will see their profession altered by the AI. However, the author argues that integrating these new tools could also create new opportunities. In particular, he proposes the concept of "operAI", understood as a professional figure specialized in the use of artificial intelligences, including the monitoring, maintenance and optimization of such systems.

According to Bentivogli, the operAI will be called to collaborate with artificial intelligences to perform tasks that require a combination of human and automated skills. For example, they might work in data analytics, business process optimization, or managing the AI ​​systems themselves. The challenge is therefore to immediately learn to master the skills that AI does not have: giving the correct instructions and asking the right questions.

Necessary regulations but only if effective

The author acknowledges that the transition to an AI-powered future of work will bring significant challenges and changes. It will be necessary to develop specific skills to work with such technologies and to ensure that automation is inclusive and fair. In addition, ethical issues regarding the use of artificial intelligence and the protection of data will have to be addressed workers' rightsthe. Indeed, Bentivogli recalls that in Italy ChatGPT was blocked for a period of time and in Europe the main concern is that AI does not guarantee compliance with the GDPR legislation. However, it is important that the regulations are realistic, adoptable and therefore effective. The danger in blocking AI in Europe is that of remaining too far behind other countries that have instead been able to take advantage of these technologies to use them to their advantage.

What to expect from artificial intelligence in the future?

The main message is therefore that artificial intelligence, represented by models such as ChatGPT, is redefining the world of work. However, if managed correctly, it could open up new employment opportunities and allow the creation of professional figures such as operAI, who will exploit the potential of artificial intelligence to improve processes and promote collaboration between humans and machines. The regulations imposed by governments will have to take into consideration that AI will continue to evolve, and it's better to learn how to use it correctly instead of blocking it unsuccessfully.
