Agroecology: it's time for Europe to turn the page

Thanasis Papazacharias from Pixabay

Agroecology cannot be optional. A clear message to all European governments that proclaim environmentally sustainable progress. If Europe really cares about a new development model, it has to worry about like and what its citizens eat. The #Let's Change Agriculture Coalition of non-governmental organizations is mobilizing people and organizations ahead of the plenary vote of the EU Parliament on agricultural policy reform. An open letter delivered to Brussels calls for linking future agricultural programs to the Green Deal. The conditions are there and they are called "Farm to Fork" and "Biodiversity 2030".

In short, a new paradigm is needed to hope that something changes from the land to the table. For agroecology, governments must build “sustainable and resilient food systems from an environmental, social and economic point of view. Farmers and workers throughout the food chain must be at the forefront of this transition” reads the letter from the Associations. European leaders are the first recipients of requests useful for overcoming the anxieties of the Covid 19 epidemic and the scarce harmonization of the decisions taken so far. But the requests also concern national governments. The first contradictions between old habits and new needs manifest themselves within national borders. No country can opt out, otherwise limits on imports, sovereign defenses, protectionist positions cannot be explained.

For Italy, the appeal goes to political decision-makers at all levels, so that the country, which boasts the quality of its agri-food systems, is a reference model for environmental and social sustainability. In the EU, Italians can bring the values ​​and traditions of ancient crops, practiced today with cutting-edge methods and means. The Italian agri-food value chain is certainly an excellence. But it can consolidate even more on the markets if the rules are in defense of quality and ecological principles. In any case, the final goal remains the new CAP which will enter into force from January 2023.

Everything will be decided by the end of October and in conjunction with other national choices. A good opportunity to stimulate synergies between farmers, people and nature. On the other hand, the United Nations, through the Group of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, are also on these positions. Even more so in times of epidemics, wars, tariffs and growing inequalities. To citizens-consumers, the Associations offer spaces and events to make themselves heard through dedicated links (https://www.cambiamoagricoltura.it/diciamo-basta-alla-solita-minestra-foto-azione/) or https://mitmachen.nabu.de/it-IT/italy.) and strengthen that desire for a different Europe. Starting with "Mother Earth".

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Categories: Food