
Agriculture and Security: Italy towards the ratification of the Geneva Convention

A CNEL bill for the ratification of the Convention on Safety and Health in Agriculture, adopted in 2001 but still ignored in our country, lands in the House committee

Agriculture and Security: Italy towards the ratification of the Geneva Convention

It's been almost 20 years since Convention on Agricultural Safety and Health, adopted in Geneva in June 2001 by the ILO (International Labor Organization), and again Italy has not ratified.

Finally the matter is brought to the attention of the Room, in the Foreign Affairs and Agriculture commissions, on the impetus of a bill by Cnel which draws the attention of the Government and Parliament to the issues dealt with in the Convention, first of all that of job safety, also in consideration of the very significant period of time (nineteen years, to be precise) which has elapsed since its adoption.

Secondo Inail data compiled on the basis of the complaints received, accidents in agricultural work they amounted to 2018 in 33.677, of which 144 with a fatal outcome. And the first data for 2019 indicate an increase of 9,3%, demonstrating how agricultural work remains among the riskiest.

With the ratification of the Convention, the Italian State will assume the commitment to implement national policies aimed at promoting health and safety in the agricultural sector, Besides inspection tools which can be entrusted, on an auxiliary basis, also to other areas of territorial government.

The Convention lists the duties of the individual employer, who are responsible for finalizing their conduct to avoid the occurrence of accidents. In view of this duty of the employer, workers are recognized the right to be informed about the safety measures adopted and the risks associated with new technologies.

They also settle specific protections for temporary and seasonal workers, to which safety and health protection measures must be extended with the same duties and with the guarantee of adequate accommodation.

Significant the right of agricultural workers to escape from danger represented by their work if they have a reasonable reason to consider that there is an imminent and serious danger to their life or health, and to immediately inform their superior without this action resulting in disadvantageous treatment.

The minimum age to be employed in agriculture is set in Convention a eighteen years, but national legislation or the competent authority may, after consultation with the organizations representing the employers and workers concerned, authorize the completion of the work from the age of sixteen yearsprovided that appropriate prior training is given and that the safety and health of young workers are fully protected.
