
Agriculture, Europe towards the New Deal: more space for organic products

In the first eight months of 2019, for example, sales of organic wine reached 35,2 million euros: but Italy can still grow a lot with Ursula von der Leyen's policies.

Agriculture, Europe towards the New Deal: more space for organic products

Italy can still grow in organic farming. If Ursula von der Leyen's Europe really intends to walk along the road traced towards the green deal, the Italian organic system will be at the forefront. There is recent news that the number of organic wines and sparkling wines uncorked in 2018 grew in turnover by 38,6%. Not only. There was too the signing of the agreement between FederBio (Federation of organizations in the organic farming chain) and UIV-Unione Italiana Vini for the enhancement and protection of the wine sector Italian organic. News that bounces at European level with Italy becoming the first country for the share of organic vineyards on the total area. 

But let's go back to the statements on the European green deal. The road to reach the objectives of reducing polluting emissions and a true circular economy promises to be long. The European Parliament will have to approve the various measures indicated by the President which affect industry, agriculture and services. The Italian FederBio evaluates positive the strategic plans presented which in agriculture will have to combat the use of chemical pesticides, fertilizers and antibiotics in the systems of the various countries. Ursula von der Leyen's document wants Europe first neutral continent from a climate point of view by 2050. A road map to follow, as it will increase green investments and as regards campaigns it will accentuate the "from producer to fork" strategy.

Politics and agricultural ministers will have times and ways to discuss and find those synthesis that have always been difficult in the agricultural sector. Let's hope he turns the page. “The European Green Deal is a real paradigm shift and among the proposals, the agroecological approach and the transition to organic farming to promote biodiversity and combat climate change are fundamental points“, says Maria Grazia Mammuccini, President of FederBio. Then i national strategic plans of the Community Agricultural Policy (CAP) must reflect the ambition of the green deal and they must also provide for the reduction of pesticides at national level.

A condition that Italy has not yet achieved, despite Teresa Bellanova's commitments. In fact, the Senate must give the green light to the law on organic crops, which has already been approved by a large majority in the Chamber. A stalemate that also obscures what good things are always being done in the wine sector. According to the Bio Nomisma observatory, in the first eight months of 2019 sales of organic wine reached 35,2 million euros. Data that can still grow, as we said, in the continental context, but which require commitment first of all at home. It is difficult to be credible in the eyes of others if clear rules are not established in one's own country. With enviable numbers and turnover. 
