
Agriculture: women in charge of one company out of three

A third of the products we will consume on New Year's Eve is produced by women's businesses: from sparkling wines to poinsettias. Confagricoltura Donna remembers it. The Milleproroghe postpones the increase in taxation on biogas and biomass

Agriculture: women in charge of one company out of three

Le italian lady more and more protagonists in agriculture. He emphasizes it Marina Di Muzio, president of Confagricoltura Donna, who states: “Italian homes are tinged with pink. Over 30% of what will be served on the table on New Year's Eve is produced by farms run by women. Just think of sparkling wines, fruit, vegetables, cheeses and meats. But mistletoe, fir trees, cyclamens and poinsettias are also partly produced by women's companies”.

The president of Confagricoltura Donna also adds that "women do a lot in terms of traditional agriculture, which satisfies the primary need for nutrition of the planet and of billions of individuals". Precisely on this last aspect Confagricoltura Donna recalls that according to the FAO there are more than 100 million people who could emerge from poverty if women had the same opportunities of access to productive resources as men.

Confagricoltura also signals another success which, this time, does not involve only the agricultural world in pink hues. In fact in the law decree "thousand extensions" there will also be the extension of the agro-energy tax regime initially envisaged exclusively for 2014. extension postpones the tax increase for biogas and biomass which should have come into force with the new year. According to Confagricoltura, the biogas and biomass sector would have risked paying into the state coffers more than five times the amount indicated by the law itself.

In a note, Confagricoltura thanks the Government and at the same time asks to "give certainties to a sector that, in biogas alone, has invested around four billion euros in the last four years, developing over 10.000 jobs".
