
Biodynamic agriculture: stop by Mattarella after the no of the scientists

The Chamber accepts an amendment that cancels the equivalence between biodynamic and organic agriculture - The moral suasion of the scientific community and the Quirinale is decisive

Biodynamic agriculture: stop by Mattarella after the no of the scientists

Biodynamic agriculture is a pseudoscientific practice is it has nothing to do with the biological one. The House of Representatives recognized this principle by accepting the amendment presented by Riccardo Magi (+Europe) to the law on organic farming (already approved by the Senate at first reading) that eliminates the equivalence between the two types of activity.

Various authoritative voices of the scientific community have repeatedly railed against biodynamic agriculture and, recently, even the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, has expressed reservations. According to parliamentary sources, the suppressed rule would not have obtained the green light from the Colle as deemed unconstitutional.

Giorgio Parisi and Elena Cattaneo against biodynamic agriculture

Last November, during a keynote lecture at the Sapienza University of Rome, the Nobel Prize George Parisi he had raised the alarm: “It is about to be recognized by a law of the Italian state a frankly witchcraft practice such as biodynamic agriculture”. In response, Mattarella he had used words that implied a clear stand against pseudoscience: "I would like to reassure you, Professor, on biodynamic agriculture: it is a matter that is in Parliament and I, notoriously, cannot comment, but I can well say that, for it to become law, there are some other passages, including parliamentary ones above all, which make far from this hypothesis".

Before that, in May, the senator for life and scientist Elena Cattaneo had denounced in Parliament that "biodynamic agriculture is like Stamina, a scientific scam”, comparable to practices such as “witchcraft"and "esotericism".

In France, Germany e Spain organic farming laws they do not contain any reference to biodynamics.

But what is biodynamic agriculture?

To get an idea of ​​how far biodynamic agriculture is from science, just think that one of the most widespread practices concerns the so-called "Corn manure" or "preparation 500". It works like this: a cow horn is filled with manure, it is buried in a field in the cold season, then it is taken out and dissolved in a large quantity of water, to be used later to irrigate the fields.

Another preparation, the "502", provides instead of to fill a deer bladder with yarrow flowers. Also in this case the preparation must be buried for months, after which it must be dissolved in water and sprayed on the fields.

Basically, these are magic potions that cannot find space or any legitimacy in the Italian legal system.
