
Agriculture, Ministry-Cdp agreement for funding

The agreement signed between the Ministry of Agricultural, Food, Forestry and Tourism Policies and CDP is aimed at providing financial support to the agricultural, agri-food and tourism sectors.

Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, involved in the most delicate industrial dossiers in the country, does not forget to support the agricultural sector. The agreement signed with the Ministry of Agricultural, Food, Forestry and Tourism Policies is precisely aimed at provide financial support to the agricultural, agri-food and tourism sectors.

The agreement signed by the minister Gian Marco Centinaio and the CEO of Cdp Fabrizio Palermo provides for the establishment of a working table dedicated to the selection of projects for the development of these sectors, to which the Ministry of Agricultural, Food, Forestry and Tourism Policies it will ensure financial coverage, also through European resources, and institutional support for the activation of specific financial instruments at a regional or multi-regional level.

In parallel, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti will make available liquidity instruments, subsidized loans with resources from the FRI - Revolving Business Fund and guarantee instruments or risk capital participation instruments, in complementarity and synergy with the guarantee system managed by the Institute of Services for the Agricultural and Food Market ( ISMEA). Furthermore, initiatives for the development of the national tourist infrastructure, the conversion of properties for accommodation purposes in the context of urban regeneration projects and the training of managerial professionalism could be evaluated.

“Agriculture and tourism are two fundamental sectors for the economy of our country – declared the Minister of Agricultural, Food, Forestry and Tourism Policies Sen. Gian Marco Centinaio –. It is thus necessary to recognize and meet a new demand for an "agricultural and tourist model" by elaborating an innovative vision that takes into account the need to focus on the cooperation of all the territorial and economic actors that contribute to the country's competitiveness. With the signing of this agreement, we begin a new agreement with Cassa Depositi e Prestiti to support the agricultural sector and the development of the national tourism chain aimed at supporting production systems, safeguarding the landscape, encouraging the attraction of investments from national and international subjects of the two sectors, guarantee the promotion of the development of competitiveness and quality of the two sectors also in relation to access to credit. In particular, the launch of initiatives for the development of the national tourist infrastructure, the conversion of buildings for accommodation purposes in the context of urban regeneration projects and the training of managerial professionalism in the agri-food and tourist-hotel sectors will be evaluated.

"The agreement signed with the MIPAAFT - commented theChief Executive Officer of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Fabrizio Palermo – will allow CDP to support the growth of agriculture, tourism and agri-food in Italy, to encourage their consolidation also at an international level. Thanks to institutional support and the guarantee of financial coverage from the Ministry, we will have financial tools and resources available that will allow us to contribute to the sustainable development of these sectors, supply chains and reference territories".
