
Agriculture: 630 hectares to young people within the year

The State Property Agency will sell 350 hectares of agricultural land and will rent another 280 by the end of 2017 – The Terrevive project envisages that the areas be tendered out at controlled prices and that the under 40s have the right of first refusal – Coldiretti: “Italy first in Europe for young farmers, but there is a shortage of land”.

THEDemanio Agency will be on the market by the end of the year 630 hectares of agricultural land as part of Terrevive, an initiative promoted together with the Ministries of Economy and Agricultural Policies to encourage young entrepreneurs in the primary sector.

In detail, 350 hectares will be on sale while other 280 they will be rented. The lands, scattered throughout the national territory, are owned by the State and the Forestry Corps. The Terrevive project envisages that the areas be tendered at controlled prices and that the under 40s have the right of first refusal.

From 2014 to today, the State Property Agency has identified around 1.500 lands suitable for use for agriculture or breeding and has already put almost 50% of them under tender for a value of 3 million euros.

Also thanks to initiatives like this, Italy is the leader in Europe for the number of young people employed in agriculture, with 50.543 companies led by entrepreneurs under the age of 35. According to a recent study by Coldiretti, the farms of young people, compared to the average, have a larger area of ​​over 54 percent, a higher turnover of 75 percent and 50 percent more employees per farm.

But really the availability of land "represents the main obstacle to the aspirations of the many young people who want to work in agriculture - writes Coldiretti - 50 percent of agricultural businesses run by young people need land, the cost of which is on average 20 thousand euros per hectare, a value higher than that of Germany and France".

Behind the average value, however, there is a strong variability, with values ​​starting from one thousand euros per hectare of pastures in the province of Catanzaro to reach up to 500 thousand euros and even exceeding one million euros per hectare in the most famous from Tuscany and Trentino Alto Adige.
