
Revenue Agency: with the online ticket goodbye queues at the counter

After a four-month pilot phase, the Agency has put the "Book Ticket" service up and running, which allows you to make an appointment for the same day or for the following four working days, eliminating waiting times at the counter

Revenue Agency: with the online ticket goodbye queues at the counter

When you go to the Revenue Agency, normally, it's not for a pleasure visit. And if the stress of the trouble with the taxman is added to a half-hour wait at the counter, it's complicated to get the day going again. From today, however, at least the loss of time is over. After a pilot phase lasting four months, the Agency has put the "Book Ticket" service up and running, which allows you to make an appointment for the same day or for the following four working days, receiving online the number to be served at the chosen counter. In the booking – which can be done via computer, smartphone or tablet – it is also possible to anticipate the reason for the meeting.


The new service is not available throughout Italy, but only in the provincial capitals (Rome, Milan, Naples, Turin, Ancona, Aosta, Bari (Marin), Bologna, Bolzano, Cagliari, Campobasso, Cosenza, Florence, Genoa, L' Aquila, Perugia, Potenza, Trento, Venice) and in six other cities: Catanzaro, Lecce, Pescara, Trieste, Udine and Verona.


To access "Book Ticket" you must pass from the agency portal or download the app Equiclick. No pin or password is needed: by accessing the "Book ticket" section, just select the city and the desired counter from those offered, indicate the type of operation you intend to carry out (payments, payments, information/other services), indicate the day and time favorite among those available, enter the tax code of the person who will show up at the counter and specify an email address on which to receive the summary of the reservation.

The message will also contain a QR Code. In fact, the taxpayer must have the received ticket with him (printed or simply displayed on his smartphone) and place the QR Code on the reader in the office. At that point, the system will register in real time the presence of the taxpayer who, at the chosen time, will be called to the counter with the reservation number received.

If it is no longer possible to go to the appointment, the ticket can be canceled so that that space becomes available again for other people.

Finally, it should be noted that each ticket combined with an appointment is valid for only one operation.


As regards the performance of the pilot phase, approximately 13.200 bookings were made via Book Ticket in the first four months of the service's operation. The branches in Rome Aurelio and Colombo, with the release of 8.500 tickets, recorded the highest number of booked appointments. 1.700 online appointments were set up at the Naples offices in Corso Meridionale, while the Turin Alfieri and Milan Lario branches reached 800.

As regards the services chosen, almost 5.500 tickets refer to requests for information and assistance on notices, folders and procedures, 4.450 tickets were issued for installments and over 3 for payment transactions.
