
AGCI: "Cooperatives active in the health supply chain", analysis of an anti-cyclical sector

The study "Active cooperatives in the health supply chain" has been published, carried out by the AGCI Study Office in collaboration with Confcooperative and Legacoop - The sector confirms its anti-cyclical trend: between 2008 and 2012 capitalization grew by 39,6, 20,1% and turnover of XNUMX%.

AGCI: "Cooperatives active in the health supply chain", analysis of an anti-cyclical sector

The AGCI Study Office, in collaboration with the Confcooperative Study Area and the Legacoop Study Center, has published the usual study on "Active cooperatives in the health supply chain", a detailed asset analysis of the 11.830 Italian cooperatives active in the sector.

A sector which, during 2012, achieved an aggregate turnover of 15,1 billion euro. 66,2% of this turnover is attributable to the social sector, while 27% to the pharmaceutical sector and the remaining 6,8% to the health sector in the strict sense.

On a territorial basis, Lombardy holds the primacy of capital invested by the cooperatives in question, with 2,5 billion euros, 21,7% of the total. With reference to the resident population, the regions in which per capita investments are highest are Emilia Romagna, Umbria and Piedmont, while Campania and Calabria close the ranking.

According to the study, the number of people employed in cooperatives active in the health sector, also in 2012, exceeded 356 units, mostly stable workers and women.

Once again, the sector confirms its anti-cyclical trend: between 2008 and 2012, coinciding with the economic crisis, the aggregate capitalization of cooperatives grew by 39,6% and the total invested capital recorded an increase by 31,5%. Turnover is also growing, rising by 20,1% in the period considered. 

Attachments: Alliance Notes No. 12 April 2014.pdf
