
Afghanistan: here's how Draghi, Johnson, Merkel and Macron reacted

"In Afghanistan we got everything wrong", summarizes Angela Merkel, while Johnson and Macron call for an emergency G7: "On refugees, dialogue with Iran, Pakistan and Turkey". Draghi: "Protect human rights and women"

Afghanistan: here's how Draghi, Johnson, Merkel and Macron reacted

The toughest was British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who immediately asked the international community not to officially recognize the new Taliban regime at the helm of Afghanistan, only to then, in agreement with French President Emmanuel Macron, offer to host a G7 convened urgently to discuss the Kabul emergency. However, the reactions of world leaders were all marked by bitterness and self-criticism, but also by the need to find - at least this time, one might say - "a unified approach", as Macron insisted in a video message disseminated on social media, in which he reiterated the need to manage migratory flows: "Europe cannot take on this emergency alone, we need cooperation with Pakistan, Türkiye and Iran".

More generous considerations do not come from Berlin. Outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel said that “in Afghanistan we got it all wrong” and that the government's chaotic demise "was prompted at least in part by American domestic politics." Even harder is his successor in pectore, Armin Laschet, who defines it as "the worst defeat for NATO since its foundation". In Italy, Prime Minister Mario Draghi first of all assured commitment to protect Afghan citizens who collaborated with our mission: "We are working with European partners for a solution to the crisis, which protects human rights and in particular those of women", wrote the president in a note from Palazzo Chigi.

Draghi also thanked the armed forces for the operations they are allowing bring our fellow citizens back to Rome based in Afghanistan. However, we will have to wait for August 24 before the government reports to Parliament, with the hearings of ministers Lorenzo Guerini and Luigi Di Maio (yesterday the subject of a controversy as he was "caught" on the beach precisely in the dramatic hours of the escape from Kabul) before the commissions Defense and Foreign Affairs of the House and the Senate. In the right-wing political area the theme is already that of refugees: "Italy is not the refugee camp of Europe", while other exponents open to the need for a humanitarian corridor.
