
Short-term rentals: from the identification code to the minimum limit of 2 nights, the new rules proposed by the Government

The Italian Government is also preparing a crackdown on short-term rentals with the aim of providing uniform regulations at a national level. Here are the rules provided for by the bill presented by the Ministry of Tourism

Short-term rentals: from the identification code to the minimum limit of 2 nights, the new rules proposed by the Government

Italy has also decided to move on short rentals. After the rules introduced by most European capitals and the restriction launched a few days ago in New York, the Ministry of Tourism has presented a new draft of the bill which aims to regulate a sector that has long been at the center of controversy due to the impact it has on the real estate market and on Italian tourist cities. Among the measures envisaged by the provision is the obligation to rent rooms or apartments for a minimum of two nights in the historic centers of metropolitan cities and the obligation to register as entrepreneurs if more than two houses are owned for short-term rentals. The bill also establishes the obligation to affix one's national identification code on doorbells, online advertisements and buildings and to respect hygiene, safety and fire prevention rules. The sanctions for those who don't adapt? Up to 8 thousand euros.

The purpose of the new draft, according to the minister, is to provide a “uniform” discipline at a national level as well as to combat the phenomenon of illegal construction in the sector". The text circulated in May, however, also aimed to contrast "the risk of excessive tourism with respect to the local accommodation potential and to safeguard the residential nature of the historic centers and prevent their depopulation", an objective which, however, was lost in the update presented on 7 September.

Short-term rentals: Cin, the national identification code, arrives 

Short-term rental homes must have the Cin, acronym for National identification code. It will be assigned by the ministry and it will be mandatory for all short-term rental properties. Not only that, the Cin must be clearly visible and displayed both on the home and on the building and reported in the online advertisement. Anyone who does not have the CIN could face a fine of up to 8 thousand euros.

Short-term rentals: minimum ceiling of 2 nights

In the historic centers of the 14 metropolitan municipalities and cities of art, a short-term rental is provided minimum limit of two nights of permanence. Simply put, those who decide to stay for just one night will no longer be able to opt for a rented house, perhaps booked on Airbnb or Booking, but will have to choose a hotel or B&B. This rule in particular has provoked the ire of Aigab, the Italian association of short-term rental managers, which considers it "a favor to hoteliers".

Short-term rentals: from 3 houses VAT number required

To date, only those who allocate more than four houses to short-term rental are forced to open the house VAT number and loses access to the 21% flat rate tax rate. The bill proposed by the Ministry of Tourism lowers the limit from 4 to 2. Simply put: from 3 houses upwards, owners will become entrepreneurs and must respect the relevant rules. Furthermore, the draft provides that houses intended for tourism must be equipped with devices for detecting carbon monoxide and must comply with the same health and safety requirements as hotel systems.
