
Airports: F2i chooses Ardian and Credit Agricole as partners

F2i Aeroporti is the holding company that holds the investments of the Primo Fondo F2i in the airport sector and in particular: 35,7% of Sea (Milan Malpensa and Linate Airports), 70% of Gesac (Naples Airport) and 54,5. XNUMX% of Sagat (Turin Airport).

Airports: F2i chooses Ardian and Credit Agricole as partners

F2i chooses Ardian and Credit Agricole to grow in airports. In recent months, the asset management company led by CEO, Renato Ravanelli, has launched a process of selecting a partner with the aim of encouraging further investments in the Italian and foreign airport sector. To this end, it selected the consortium made up of Ardian (60%) and Credit Agricole Assurances (40%) to sell 49% of F2i Aeroporti. The closing of the transaction, subject to the authorization of the Antitrust, is expected within the next 2-3 months.

F2i Aeroporti is the holding company that holds the investments of the Primo Fondo F2i in the airport sector and in particular: 35,7% of Sea (Milan Malpensa and Linate Airports), 70% of Gesac (Naples Airport) and 54,5. 2% of Sagat (Turin Airport). Indirectly, these companies in turn hold equity investments in Sacbo (Bergamo Airport) and in Sab (Bologna Airport). Furthermore, the Second Fund F8,6i owns a further XNUMX% of Sea. All these airports directly owned by F2i Aeroporti have managed approx 37 million passengers (+4,7% compared to the previous year), corresponding to 25% of national traffic. While the aggregate turnover was equal to 900 million euro.
