
Irpef surtaxes 2015, where and how much they increase in Italy

So far there are five governors who have adjusted the thresholds, but all taxpayers residing in their Regions is equal to 41,1% of the national total - The increases will affect taxpayers with medium and high incomes.

Irpef surtaxes 2015, where and how much they increase in Italy

This year the Regions will obtain 3,5 billion euros less from the State than in 2014 and to compensate for the cuts they will push the accelerator of the Irpef surcharges, taking advantage of the possibility of raising the rate up to 3,3% (last year the ceiling was 2,3%). Not only that: the drop in transfers is added to the legislation on fiscal federalism, which not only induces but even obliges local authorities to increase the additional income tax if, in the presence of a health deficit, they have failed to meet the objectives of the come back in. The logic is that of a punitive mechanism that affects only taxpayers.

As emerges from a study by the Cgia of Mestre, so far they are five governors which have adjusted the thresholds, but all taxpayers residing in their Regions are equal to 41,1% of the national total. With the exception of Lombardy, in the four other cases (Abruzzo, Emilia Romagna, Liguria and Piedmont) the increases will affect taxpayers with medium and high incomes. Lazio is not included in the analysis, which – despite having already approved an increase in the rate up to the ceiling of 3,33% – has undertaken to present another measure by April to exempt the lowest incomes from the increase.

"In general - writes the association of craftsmen -, the tax increases will start for incomes with more than 40 thousand euros: if in Abruzzo the increase will be 38 euros and will be valid for almost all income levels, in Emilia Romagna, where incomes up to 39 thousand euros even earn, starting from 40 thousand euros there will be a slight increase of 2 euros, to get close to 1.500 euros in extra taxes for incomes of 300 thousand euros. Also in Liguria taxpayers with more than 40.000 euros will find an increase of 5 euros, up to 1.560 euros more for the richest”. 

In Piemonte, on the other hand, “the increase in the rates will lead to a very significant tightening of taxation – continues the Cgia of Mestre -. If for incomes over 40 euros you will pay an extra 53 euros, for higher incomes you will end up paying over 2.500 euros for the threshold of 300 thousand euros. Only the lumbar can be satisfied: up to 100 euros of income there will be no difference compared to last year, while taxpayers with an income of over 150.000 euros will pay 5 euros more, to arrive at an increase of 20 euros for incomes from 300 euros EUR".

It should be remembered that the amount of the regional surtaxes relating to 2014 must be paid in 2015, while that relating to this year will be paid in 2016. 
