
To Aletti Gestielle SGR the "European Passport" of Sicav Management Company

The Luxembourg Commission de Surveillance du Sector Financier has accepted the appointment of Aletti Gestielle SGR as management company of the “Gestielle Investment Sicav”.

To Aletti Gestielle SGR the "European Passport" of Sicav Management Company

Aletti Gestielle assumes the role of management company of a Sicav under Luxembourg law through the so-called "European passport" envisaged by the UCITS IV Directive.

With particular reference to the Gestielle Investment Sicav, Aletti Gestielle replaces the previous management company Dexia Asset Management Luxembourg SA.

This authorization expands the sphere of action of the Banco Popolare group's asset management company, in line with the philosophy of the company which over the years has stood out for its innovation, the excellence of the performances achieved and the ability to always offer savers new management techniques able to seize the opportunities of the financial markets within a scrupulous control of the risks.
